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Explore our business process templates that you can customize, use as-is or simply build your workflow from scratch. No-code required.

Results for “Finance”

Template Generator

Our Workflow Template Generator recognizes your specific needs and requirements and generates custom workflow templates in moments, just give it a few pointers about what kind of workflow you need.

Petty Cash Request

Petty cash requisition is a crucial financial process that is essential to ensure that the organization's funds are being used appropriately.

Profitability Ratio Analysis

This business process is designed to delegate, control, and keep track of every analysis you want to do in any company using Pneumatic's Profitability Ratio Analysis Free Template.

Project Financial Management

This business process is aimed at managing the financial aspects of a project to ensure successful completion and satisfactory audit reports.

Purchase Order

A Purchase Order is a business process that involves the creation of a document by a buyer detailing their requirements. It is a crucial tool in eliminating wrong orders and ensuring clear communication between buyers and sellers.

Purchase Request

The Purchase Request is a vital business process that involves the creation of a document by employees when they need to procure something on behalf of the company. It necessitates extensive collaboration, approvals, and persistent follow-ups.

Record to Report

Record to Report (R2R) is a Finance and Accounting (F&A) management process that involves collecting, processing, and delivering relevant and accurate information in order to generate meaningful performance reports.

Stock Trend Analysis

This business process enables investors to analyze historic stock data, providing visualization of whether the investment trend is ascending or descending.

Travel Request

The Travel Request business process is designed to streamline the approval of travel and reimbursement requests within an organization that requires frequent travel.

Treasury Requests

This process aims to manage and organize the tasks of the Treasury team by the type of request, ensuring all approval steps are followed for the proper execution of work and optimal management of the company's finances.

Units Management Tasks

This process involves creating and assigning tasks to a team regarding the units under management.

Venture Capital Negotiation

This process is designed for companies seeking venture capital deals, managing their investment from evaluation to exit plan.

Expense Reimbursement

Transform your Expense Reimbursement process with digital, no-code and quick-to-deploy workflows. Receive requests, invoices, receipts and documents in a single place, and ensure that the finance team has everything they need to kick-off the reimbursement process.

Loan Applications

The Loan Applications process is designed to standardize loan applications, study the risks involved, and organize the decision and approval process.

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Our Workflow Template Generator

You can further customize the generated workflow template by inviting team members and assigning tasks to them, setting deadlines for each workflow and task, and adding conditions and variables to direct the flow of execution and information through each workflow.

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