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All Workflow Templates

Template Generator

Our Workflow Template Generator recognizes your specific needs and requirements and generates custom workflow templates in moments, just give it a few pointers about what kind of workflow you need.

Copy Management

A process for structuring, organizing and reviewing text for businesses.

Corporate Card Request

The Corporate Card Request process is designed to enable employees to pay for pre-approved business expenses, such as hotels, meals, rental cars, flights, etc., through an automated workflow.

Corporate Gift Request

The Corporate Gift Request process is designed to enhance positive association with prospects, customers, employees, and clients through the management and tracking of corporate gifts.

Cost Allocation - Product Pricing

The business process 'Cost Allocation - Product Pricing' is designed to ensure correct product pricing by storing and controlling necessary information.

Course opening

The process of forming classes for different courses, starting from student registration to the commencement of classes.

Covid-19 - Employees status

This process aims to help you track and manage your employees' health statuses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Status

A process designed to effectively screen employees and mitigate the exposure and spread of COVID-19 as they return to the office.

Coworking Space Rental

This business process aims to streamline the management of coworking space rental requests and foster effective communication with clients.

Customer Case Studies

A comprehensive guide to managing and producing customer case studies.

Customer Communication Management

This business process is aimed at managing all communication with customers including assigning responsible persons, drafting and managing release notes, managing communication channels and automating email sending.

Customer Contact Log & Form

A process designed to facilitate the registration and storage of customer contact information using Pneumatic Customer Contact Log & Form Template.

Customer Feedback

A standardized and centralized process for collecting and tracking customer feedback.

Customer Help Desk

The Customer Help Desk process is designed to exceed customer expectations by efficiently addressing their queries or complaints through a ticketing system.

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Our Workflow Template Generator

You can further customize the generated workflow template by inviting team members and assigning tasks to them, setting deadlines for each workflow and task, and adding conditions and variables to direct the flow of execution and information through each workflow.

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